5930 Hamilton Blvd – Suite 6
Within 1 Mile
6,043 People
2,379 Households
$98,785 Median HHI
4,279 Employees
Within 3 Miles
47,555 People
18,441 Households
$115,183 Median HHI
55,841 Employees
Within 5 Miles
114,420 People
44,725 Households
$105,436 Median HHI
85,409 Employees

Ann specialized in office, flex and investment real estate. Currently she manages the real estate portfolios of many investors serving to negotiate the sale and lease of rental and commercial property. She has been licensed PA real estate agent since 1993 and a licensed associate broker since 1997. Prior to joining the Markward Group in 1996, Ann was employed by Nation Credit Corporation and its predecessors Chrysler First, Finance America/Bank of America and GAC Finance for over twenty years. Ann served as Vice President, Manager of Branch Development and Design where she oversaw leasing and construction negotiations and was responsible for over 400 offices throughout the county ranging in size from approximately 1,000 to over 50,000 square feet.